Children playing and splashing in the pool are the quintessential picture of summer. No one thinks that innocent water fun and poolside games can lead to the tragedy of death. Sadly, though, in the worst case scenario, it can. So when news of a child’s accidental drowning makes headlines in San Diego, indeed it is a true tragedy.

According to San Diego 760 KFMB News (6/16/2015), a 4-year-old boy is being mourned by the local community following the child’s accidental drowning at a local San Diego establishment where he was celebrating a school-hosted pool party.

Reports indicate the boy suffered brain injury as a result of the accidental drowning. He was pulled unconscious from the pool and was immediately treated for his injuries. Sadly, though, the boy did not survive the accident.

Details in the case remain unclear. It is unknown whether the boy had adequate supervision during the pool party or whether lifeguards were on scene.

Donations are being collected to pay for the family’s funeral expenses. More information on donating can be found here.


This is a horrifying story for any parent out there. Something as seemingly innocent as a school pool party should never result in the tragic death of a child. Unfortunately, accidents can happen, though, so it’s up to us to be as diligent and well-prepared as we can be to prevent all unnecessary injuries and deaths.

If you’re hosting a pool party this summer, put these on your essential to-do list.


If you are hosting a pool party, you should hire a private lifeguard to ensure adequate supervision of swimming children at all times. Even if there are plenty of adults, the truth is that many people just want to relax and have a good time – without the worry of watching over the pool. While that’s perfectly understandable, it just makes good sense to hire a professional and take the worry out of supervising your children and your friends’ children.


Children who are unable to swim should always wear coast-guard approved devices such as a life vest when swimming in pools. Adequate floatation means your child can play in the pool without the worry of going under by accident. If you’re hosting a party, why not buy a few extra jackets for small children who plan on swimming, or even request that parents bring their child’s life vest if they have one.


In addition to accidental drowning, many accidents occur due to diving in the pool. If the head is struck on the plastered concrete walls of a pool, spinal or brain injury can result. These types of accidents are one of the most common types of pool-related injuries. Be safe and prohibit all kinds of diving in your pool. If you hire a lifeguard, you don’t have to be “the bad guy” and enforce these kinds of rules at your next pool party. Simply have the lifeguard do it and you’re off the hook.


Nowadays, if you want to put a pool in the backyard, it’ll come with all kinds of new California pool code requirements: reverse gate locks, garage door latches, alarmed doors, plus other safety features. But for those with older pools, all the bells and whistles of safety may not be fully up to code. If you have an older pool, contact a pool company to update it so it’s to code. It won’t cost very much and you’ll have complete peace of mind when it comes to your family’s safety around the pool.


If you or a loved one were been injured in a pool accident, you may be entitled to financial compensation to cover your medical expenses, lost wages and even pain and suffering. Cases like these are complex, so it’s essential to speak with a personal injury lawyer who can ensure all of your legal rights are preserved. Call now and get a FREE legal analysis of your case: 1-858-551-2090.