In California, all drivers must have auto insurance. Automobile accidents usually cause thousands of dollars in property damage. It’s for that very reason that you’re required to have auto insurance coverage on your car. This way, should you get into a car accident, the responsible person can be held liable, up to the limits of their insurance policy, for any injury or property damage you sustained in the car crash. So if you live in California and own a car, you will need to get auto insurance. To help guide you pick out the right insurance coverage for you and your car, our knowledgeable auto accident lawyers have provided the following links to help you pick out the right car insurance. Getting the most out of your insurance can be complicated and tricky process, so it’s important to know what’s important and what isn’t when you begin your search for auto insurance.
What Will My Insurance Cover in a Car Accident?
- Automobile Insurance Questions
- Auto Insurance Coverage Calculator