If an inaccurate police report is affecting your accident claim, an experienced San Diego auto accident attorneys can help dispute it. Contact Pines Salomon Injury Lawyers at (858) 551-2090 today. Your first consultation is free.
Depending upon the location and facts, the police may be summoned to the scene to do a report of a car accident. While a police report is an important document, police report conclusions can often be wrong. As a result, police reports are not admissible evidence, should your case go to court.
How Do You Disprove a Police Report for an Auto Accident?
The police officer’s conclusion to the cause of the accident is based upon many factors, including:
- The police officer’s experience investigating auto accidents
- Any training or any special courses (i.e. accident reconstruction) the police officer attended
- Witness information, if any witnesses stayed around after the car crash
- Statements of all parties involved with the auto accident
- Evidence (skid marks, property damage or debris) of the auto accident.
Police officers are rarely witnesses to car accidents, let alone were present when car accidents occurred. The police only have so many patrol officers available at any given time and it may take awhile for them arrive at the scene of the car accident. The big question is if the officer is qualified to properly fill out an accident report?
With a good auto accident attorney on your side, an incorrect police report should be just a bump in the road to your settlement.
Call Us Now to Maximize Your Auto Accident Settlement
If the unfortunate happens and you do get into a car accident, the best thing you can do for yourself is to seek legal representation quickly. Experienced auto accident lawyers, like the ones at our San Diego law firm, can help you dispute any incorrect reports regarding your auto accident case.
With only get one settlement for personal injury, don’t you think you should do everything in your power to maximize your auto accident settlement?
If you were injured in an automobile accident that wasn’t your fault and believe that you deserve compensation, then call our bilingual law offices right away at 1-858-551-2090 or click here for a FREE consultation with an experienced auto accident attorney in San Diego and find out how we can help you. There is no cost for your initial consultation, and there are no fees until we recover a fair personal injury settlement.
We look forward to providing good advice for your case.