They may seem simple enough, but a slip and fall personal injury can be extremely costly and require representation by a slip and fall attorney. An invisible crack or a small amount of soapy water can leave an injured person in a wheelchair or with paralysis (i.e. paraplegia and quadriplegia) from spinal cord injury. At Pines Salomon Injury Lawyers, LLP., our slip and fall attorneys take these cases and carefully look at all of the facts to ensure that our clients get the maximum settlement they deserve for damages resulting from their medical bills. Slip and fall injuries fall under the legal category of premises liability, the body of law that stipulates a landowner is responsible for any injuries that happen on the property owned. There are four general types of slip and fall accidents that a slip and fall attorney would handle:
- Trip-and-fall accidents, where there is a foreign object in the walking path.
- Stump-and-fall accidents, where there is an impediment in the walking surface.
- Step-and-fall accidents, where there is an unexpected failure or hole in the walking surface.
- Slip-and-fall accidents, in which the interface of the shoe and the floor fails.
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