Six Questions To Ask A Personal Injury Lawyer During A Free Consultation

Every year, millions of people visit physicians’ offices for injuries. Millions more end up in the emergency room. These statistics suggest that personal injuries are a fairly common occurrence.

When you’ve been injured in an accident, your first thought may be to hire a lawyer to help you seek compensation for your injuries and hold the at-fault party responsible for their actions. However, it’s crucial that you carefully evaluate your options before allowing an attorney to represent you.

Personal injury cases can be complex, and choosing the right attorney can be equally tricky. Plan on asking your prospective attorney the following questions when you meet with them for the first time to decide whether they’re a good fit for your case.

1. Do You Have Experience Handling Cases Like Mine?

Do You Have Experience Handling Cases Like Mine?

Although every qualified attorney has attended law school and passed the bar, not all have the same career trajectory. Some have more experience with personal injury cases than others. 

Similarly, an attorney might have extensive experience with one type of personal injury case, such as car accidents or medical malpractice suits, and virtually none in other areas, such as slip-and-fall cases or brain injuries.

For this reason, it’s important to ask your prospective lawyer about the depth and breadth of their experience with cases like yours. Don’t be afraid to request client testimonials as proof that they’ve been able to obtain favorable outcomes in similar cases. 

If they’ve achieved positive results with past cases like yours, they likely have the knowledge and skills needed to build a solid case on your behalf and help you pursue fair compensation.

2. What Fees Do You Charge For Your Services?

If you’re facing a personal injury, it’s likely that you need medical treatment and may even have to take time away from work to heal. In some cases, you may be unable to earn a living at your previous salary.

For this reason, you may be worried about how much you’ll have to pay for the services of an attorney. The initial consultation may be free, but will you be charged exorbitant out-of-pocket fees?

Fortunately, many personal injury attorneys use a contingency fee structure. This means your attorney will receive a percentage of any compensation they recover for you instead of charging you upfront.

While this can make hiring an attorney easier on the front end, it’s important to ask about the fees your attorney will charge once the case is over. Some may charge a flat rate, while others may claim a percentage based on billable hours spent on the case. Either way, you’ll need to know what percentage of your compensation you’ll be expected to pay out.

3. What Losses Can I Be Compensated For?

In addition to understanding the costs of hiring an attorney, you should also ask what goes into calculating the value of your case and determining how much compensation you’re eligible to receive.

While an attorney can tell you about past settlements they’ve won for clients, no attorney will be able to give you an exact figure of how much you’ll receive in your case. However, they can collect information about the losses you’ve incurred, which might include:

This information will determine how much compensation you can and should pursue. The attorney you choose should know how to convey these details so you can set your expectations appropriately when it comes to negotiating a fair settlement.

4. How Long Will It Take To Settle My Case?

Whether your bills are piling up or you simply want to put your case behind you so you can focus on moving forward, you’re probably wondering how long it will take to reach a resolution to your case.

Just as no legal professional can tell you how much compensation you might win, they also won’t be able to provide you with an exact timeline for your case. Regardless, a lawyer should be able to explain the factors that might influence that timeline, such as:

  • The willingness of insurers to negotiate a settlement
  • The severity of your injuries
  • The complexity of your medical treatment
  • The clarity of liability and whether the insurance company disputes it
  • The number of parties involved
  • The ability of the court to clear case backlogs quickly and efficiently

It’s worth noting that your attorney may not be able to assess damages until you complete your medical treatment accurately. Choose an attorney who won’t rush into a case and will speak honestly with you about expectations of timing.

5. What Can You Do To Help My Case?

Make sure your attorney can clearly outline the responsibilities they’ll take on in your case. For example, they may:

  • Investigate the accident
  • Contact eyewitnesses for questioning
  • Locate and interview expert witnesses
  • Find medical experts to discuss your injuries and possible future outcomes
  • File all necessary paperwork with the court
  • Deal with the defendant’s insurance company on your behalf

You’ll also want to know what your attorney expects of you while they’re busy handling your case. This may include faxing or emailing medical treatment paperwork, going to all treatment appointments, following your doctor’s orders, and providing frequent updates about your condition or any changes in your situation.

When both you and your lawyer are clear about your responsibilities, you’ll be less likely to make potentially costly mistakes.

6. Will My Case Go To Trial?

Only about 4%–5% of personal injury cases go to trial. In some instances, however, the insurance company may be unwilling to negotiate or simply won’t offer a fair settlement. There may also be complex legal issues that make pursuing a case in court more prudent.

Whatever the reason, make sure your attorney is prepared to represent you in court. They should understand the relevant procedures and expected courtroom behavior, know how to build a solid case, and use effective tactics to help you succeed.

The Right Attorney Is Key To A Good Outcome

The attorney you choose to manage your personal injury case will significantly impact its outcome. Lawyers with experience with cases like yours will be more capable and confident when it comes to acting in your best interests.

With the right legal professional on your side, you’ll be better equipped to move forward with confidence. Reach out to the capable team at Pines Salomon Injury Lawyers, LLP today at (858) 551-2090 to schedule a consultation and take your first steps toward fair compensation.