Semi-Truck Accident Lawyers in San Diego, CA

Semi-trucks are a daily part of our California commute. They are found on every freeway across San Diego and they serve an important role in our everyday way of life. Most people don’t spend time thinking about semi-trucks, but if you’ve been recently injured by one, it might be all you think about.

Sadly, semi-truck accidents can cause severe, catastrophic injury given their large size and heavy weight. Some accidents can also lead to wrongful death. Semi-truck accidents are tragic events that can deeply affect families – and if you need guidance during this time, we can help.

The semi-truck accident lawyers at Pines Salomon Injury Lawyers, LLP are nationally-recognized industry leaders with a track record of success in cases just like yours. We are the legal experts that San Diego turns to when injured people need help. Call us today 24/7 at (858) 551-2090 and speak to a semi-truck accident lawyer for a personal, confidential and free consultation.

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Have a question? Call us 24/7 at (858) 551-2090 or request a free consultation online!

About Pines Salomon Injury Lawyers, LLP

Truck Crash - Truck Accident Lawyers in San Diego, CA

Injured San Diego residents turn to Pines Salomon Injury Lawyers, LLP for help. We are nationally-recognized for our contributions in accident prevention and for our outstanding success rate for clients who trust us with their claim.

Our all-star lawyers blend client empathy with unstoppable, unparalleled representation against insurance companies.

Michael Pines, firm founder and former insurance company lawyer, has the competitive advantage you need to get the maximum compensation for your claim. His previous work representing insurance companies is unlike any other truck accident attorney in San Diego. We win cases because we have expert knowledge in the field of personal injury claims. Along with Aaron Salomon, firm partner, and our case managers and award-winning staff, your case will be handled by the finest legal team in San Diego.

If you have been injured and need help, call us today: 1-858-551-2090.

Financial Compensation You May Receive For Your Truck Accident

  • Loss of Earnings. Your paychecks are vital for you and your family’s survival. Therefore, you should do everything you can to make sure your family is okay by filing a personal injury claim to recover your lost wages.
  • Medical Bills. If you suffer from any kind of personal injury that you feel is not your fault, you may still be stuck paying thousands of dollars in medical bills. If your personal injury is serious, you might need extensive and ongoing medical treatment. It goes without saying that it sure is expensive paying medical bills for the rest of your life.
  • Pain & Suffering. Pain and suffering is the legal term for the physical and emotional stress caused by a personal injury. Putting a value on human pain and suffering is one of the most difficult tasks in a personal injury case. The attorneys at our San Diego law firm can tell you up front that there is no formula or set method of putting a monetary amount to your pain and suffering. Rather, it is based upon many things and can only be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
  • Property Damage. If your vehicle is damaged in a truck accident that wasn’t your fault, you’d want the person who caused it, or more accurately their insurance company, to pay for the necessary repairs to restore your car to its pre-accident condition. To put it simply, a property damage claim is the formal reimbursement request for any damage to your car from an accident.

Do You Need A Truck Accident Lawyer?

One of the most important things you can do after an accident with a tractor trailer is hire a lawyer. A San Diego truck accident lawyer can help you secure your legal rights. This is important for two reasons:

  1. The aftermath of a large truck accident can take months to unfold and you may need the legal protection, and
  2. Clients often report that injuries can worsen over time so you need to be sure you are legally entitled to take action. Retaining a truck accident lawyer is incredibly valuable given there are no out-of-pocket costs to do so.

What Can a Truck Accident Lawyer Do That I Can’t Do On My Own?

In addition to securing your legal rights, a truck accident lawyer can help you with your medical bills following an injury. There’s no doubt that lost wages and mounting bills are stressful. We can help you.

Another good reason for hiring a San Diego personal injury lawyer is the power of negotiation behind your case. If you file a claim on your own—without legal representation—the insurance company will be quick to move on your case. This may mean a poor settlement or even outright dismissal of your claim. Don’t risk it. Hire a lawyer to ensure that you get a fair settlement. Our lawyers will work hard to put your case front and center — you deserve compensation at the maximum rate.

In some cases, we go to trial. Our experience and preparedness in the courtroom have given us the edge case after case, and we continue to make big strides for our clients every single day. And, we’ll frequently maintain communication with you so you know exactly where your case stands.

We’ll handle your case with utmost vigilance to ensure the best possible outcome.

Common Causes of Semi-Truck Accidents

Similar to motor vehicle accidents, semi-truck accidents can occur in the same fashion. There are some differences, however, given the size and weight of a big rig truck. Common causes of semi-truck accidents include:

Bad Weather

Although San Diego is known for terrific, year-round weather, we do get the occasional bout of rain. When rain occurs, many San Diego drivers – including semi-truck drivers – can quickly lose control over fast-moving and possibly hydroplaning vehicles. A semi-truck, given its considerable weight, can quickly slide into the vehicle ahead. Or, a semi-truck may completely slip off the roadway due to slick streets and freeways. When this happens, the semi can crash into vehicles along its trajectory off the road.

Poor Visibility

Fog can cause a semi-truck driver to underestimate distances ahead. When the wrong estimations are made due to driver error, mistakes can lead to car accidents in the event of emergency braking. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), loaded tractor-trailers need an additional 20 to 40 percent more time and distance to perform a brake than an average motor vehicle. If the driver is unable to see ahead due to fog or other hazards, the implications can be even more serious.

Driver Fatigue

There’s no doubt that hours and hours of driving can lead to driver fatigue and drowsiness. Truck drivers must face the road day in and day out—and coupled with fatigue—accidents can easily happen. Fatigue can also cause the driver to react too slowly to oncoming changes on the road. For instance, if the truck driver must suddenly stop, fatigue can cause a delayed reaction resulting in an unwanted accident.

Heavy Loads

When a truck is overloaded, the extra weight can cause the driver to lose control over their vehicle. Most often, the loss of control occurs when stopping suddenly or making a turn. This can often result in “jack-knifing” or rear-end semi-truck accidents. It goes without saying that any driver should be cautious around a big-rig truck. Avoid semis, if possible. If an accident injury does occur, seek medical care right away and speak to a lawyer who can help.

Common Injuries in Semi-Truck Accidents

Some of the most catastrophic injuries occur in semi-truck accidents due to the sheer size and weight of the big rig vehicles. Common forms of personal injury reported after semi-truck accidents include:

  • INTERNAL BODILY INJURY. Catastrophic injuries such as lacerations, broken bones or organ damage are tragically common following a semi-truck accident. Physical disability, disfigurement, permanent scarring and psychological trauma can also ensue after a big rig accident.
  • WHIPLASH INJURY. The high impact of a rear-end accident involving a big rig is no match against a fragile neck. Muscles, vertebrae and ligaments in the neck can easily become damaged following a semi-truck accident.
  • SPINAL CORD INJURY. Similar to neck damage, the spinal cord is just as fragile and can be damaged in the event of a semi-truck traffic accident. Some spinal cord injuries may result in paralysis.
  • TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY. A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is damage to the brain that can lead to lifelong complications such as loss of function and impact to an individual’s cognition.

Why Hire Our San Diego Truck Accident Lawyers for Your Truck Accident Claim?

Since 1992, we’ve been high-achievers with a dedication to our clients—and our 5-star reviews attest to our commitment to winning personal injury cases. While no attorney can ever guarantee a win, we do promise to work our very hardest to get you the maximum compensation you deserve.

  • DEVOTED TO YOUR CASE. Our lawyers will work diligently on your case to ensure the best possible outcome of your claim. We are easily accessible to our clients, and we spend time getting to know you and your case to the best of our ability. Our background work gathering all the details pertaining to your car accident ensures that no detail is missed. We understand the urgency you may be feeling—and we react accordingly. Our lawyers are the most devoted you’ll find in San Diego and that’s why so many residents turn to us for unmatched legal representation.
  • 99 PERCENT SUCCESS RATE. If you have been injured in an accident, you need lawyers who have a proven case of success. Our 99 percent success rate is just one of many reasons San Diegans turn to us for legal help following an accident.
  • MILLIONS RECOVERED. Our history of wins is unlike any other law firm in San Diego. We have won millions of dollars for our clients and we continue to set the bar for best practices in the area of car accident injury claims.
  • NO OUT-OF-POCKET EXPENSES. Medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering—there’s no doubt that a car accident can be extremely stressful. Our lawyers take the stress off your plate so you can focus on your recovery. We’ll handle all aspects of your car accident injury claim with no out-of-pocket fees. You won’t pay us until we win your case.

Testimonials & Results From Our Personal Injury Clients

For more from our clients injured in car accidents, watch our video testimonials, read our hundreds of 5-star reviews, or see some of our case results.

Request a Free Consultation For Your Truck Accident Case

Even the most cautious driver can get caught up in a semi-truck accident. And when an injury arises, there are legal options available to you. Don’t navigate the legal world alone – call an experienced truck accident lawyer at Pines Salomon Injury Lawyers, LLP in San Diego, and speak to an expert who can help.

You only get one chance for justice. With only one chance, make sure you have the best possible legal representation to maximize your financial compensation.

Call us 24/7 at 1-858-551-2090 and talk to one of our car accident lawyers today. You can also submit the details of your case online. Your consultation is free, and you owe us nothing unless we recover money on your behalf.