Top Causes of Car Accidents: Road Rage

Believe it or not, road rage is one of the top causes of car accidents.  It may happen through intentionally dangerous driving acts, such as braking suddenly in front of another car, pulling up right on another driver’s bumper or even trying to tap the other driver’s bumper.

Our car accident lawyers know road rage may also occur because angry drivers are more likely to make mistakes in their driving conduct.  Worse, as road rage incidents frequently occur on highways and freeways, the car accidents that result can be extremely serious and involve additional cars.

Road Rage Can Lead To Serious Car Accidents

There are some ways to avoid a car accident if you find yourself in a situation with a driver that is experiencing road rage.

  • Try to remove yourself from the situation — slow down slightly or take an exit.
  • If the angry driver pursues you, try to pull into the parking lot of a police station or a busy area where other people are around you.
  • If you are considering engaging in acts of road rage, you should also remove yourself from the situation, if necessary pulling over until you have calmed down.

If you have ever been passed on the wrong side, tailgated, cut off or hemmed in by another vehicle, then you have been affected by an aggressive driver.  Aggressive driving often ends in car accidents and senseless personal attacks.  This is why it is important to know how to stop road rage before it happens and pulls you into a car accident you didn’t want in the first place.

Tips For Stopping Car Accidents Caused By Road Rage

Controlling your anger and uncontrollable road rage all starts with these key areas. 

1. Attitude. Driving is not a competitive sport.  Stay calm and focus on getting from one place to another safely and try to forget about time if you are running late. 

2. Smarts. One driver cannot fight alone.  Do not allow yourself to get drawn into a confrontation because it can only end badly. 

3. Courtesy. Error on the side of being courteous and kind to other drivers. 

4. Turn Signal. Using your turn signal ensures that drivers around you will not be surprised by your driving. 

5. Changing Lanes. Do not cut off other drivers and make sure you have plenty of room when you merge onto a highway. 

6. Keep Up the Pace. Driving in the left lane slower that the prevailing traffic is asking for trouble.  Regardless of the speed you are traveling, move to the right lane if someone wants to pass you. 

7. Tailgating. Not only does it greatly reduce your ability to respond to traffic, but tailgating can also annoy the other drivers around you.  Keeping a safe distance never annoyed anyone. 

8. Gestures. Do not make obscene gestures.  Avoid any visible sign that you may be angry or frustrated and wanting to take that anger out on some one. 

9. Keep Your Distance. If a driver is displaying signs of aggressive driving. 

10. Ease Up. If someone cuts you off, then slow down and give them room.  Their aggression may escalate if you respond in a similar way. 

11. Get Help. If you think you are in serious danger, use your cell phone to call the police or drive to a heavily populated area.  Do not drive home and do not get out of the car until it is safe. 

12. Apologize. If you make a mistake, try to apologize with an appropriate gesture, such as a smile and a wave of the hand.

Contact the Motorcycle Lawyers of Pines Salomon Injury Lawyers in San Diego, CA for Help Today

The dangers of road rage and impatience drivers should never get in the way of you making it home safely to see your family.  Road rage is never the safe alternative if you hope to avoid a serious car accident.  Be courteous, kind and alert out on the road and you should be able to avoid most cases of road rage.

If you’ve been injured in a car accident that was caused by someone else who with road rage then call us now at 1-858-283-4488 or click here for a FREE consultation with an experienced car accident lawyer. Since 1992, our San Diego law office has been geared primarily toward auto accident claims.  We know how the insurance companies work, so let our insider knowledge help you in your time of need.

For more information, contact an experienced motorcycle lawyer at Pines Salomon Personal Injury Lawyers to schedule a free initial consultation today.

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(858) 551-2090
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4660 La Jolla Village Dr. San Diego, CA 92122
(858) 585-9031
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