Many individuals are already aware that teenagers face significant risks associated with car accidents. Not only are they more likely to sustain injuries in car accidents across California and around the country, but they may also be more likely to suffer fatal injuries. Parents can do their part by modeling positive behavior for teens and using a driving contract for teens to agree to specific rules. Adding applications onto a teen’s phone, such as those that don’t allow use of the phone while the vehicle is moving, can be helpful.

According to recent research, there are a number of risky behaviors that teenagers engage in that put them at more at risk of sustaining injuries and accidents, and not just car accidents either. For example, teens are more likely to text while driving, skip wearing a seatbelt, ride with another driver who is under the influence of alcohol and skip wearing a helmet while riding a bicycle.

It is also more likely for teens to fail to get the right amount of sleep. Research also backs up that most teenagers only receive between 5 to 6 hours of sleep each night and these teenagers were also twice as likely to report that they had driven a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol in the previous month. The same goes for teens who slept for 10 hours or more each night.

Research also backs up that most teenagers only receive between 5 to 6 hours of sleep each night and these teenagers were also twice as likely to report that they had driven a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol in the previous month. The same goes for teens who slept for 10 hours or more each night.

Plenty of research has already demonstrated the connection between not getting enough sleep and being more likely to be injured in a car crash. If you have been injured as a result of a teen driver’s negligence or distracted driving, you may have grounds for a personal injury claim. Risk for car accidents can be minimized by taking care each time you get behind the wheel of a car. Since teens have less driving experience and are more likely to sustain injuries in an accident, parents of teens should develop clear driving rules to help minimize risk for car accidents.