A new safety group argues that weather may be a reason for a big decrease in motorcycle fatalities across the country. The highway safety group known as the Governor’s Highway Safety Association discovered that the 5.6% decrease in motorcycle deaths around the country could have been tied to the strong hurricane season last year, which kept many riders off the roads in southern states like Texas and Florida where motorcycle accident happens often.

One state, Illinois, saw a milder than normal September, October, February and April in 2017. A longer riding season may happen because of a milder winter, which means increases in serious motorcycle accidents. The economy is another reason behind the surge in motorcycle crash numbers, since low gas prices and better economic conditions means that there are more riders on the road to begin with. Safety advocates believe that more still needs to be done in order to enhance and promote motorcycle safety in all states. In total, 18 states saw increases in motorcycle fatalities in 2017. Being hurt in a motorcycle accident often comes with very high stakes for the person on the bike, since they are exposed to being thrown off of the bike and sustaining more catastrophic injuries than someone inside a traditional vehicle who has the benefit of enhanced safety features.

If you or someone you know has already been seriously hurt in a motorcycle accident and you believe that it was the reckless or negligent behavior of another person who caused it, it is imperative to evaluate your medical conditions and attend all of your follow up medical appointments. The diagnosis of serious catastrophic injuries such as a TBI or paralysis may occur, and this can change your life forever.