Friends and family of a California man who was essential to a “Pay It Forward” movement that inspired people around the world are now motivated after his sudden death. Matthew Jackson was 28-years-old and passed away on November 11 when his car hit a tree in Vista. Two friends with him in the accident survived and suffered serious injuries.
Accident Victim Leaves Behind Legacy
The men are now talking about how Jackson inspired them and how his efforts to pay it forward will live on long after his tragic death. Just a few hours before the individual passed away, he saw a woman at a local grocery store being declined with a basket full of groceries and a crying baby. Jackson stepped in to pay for her groceries and his only request to the woman was to ask that she pay it forward to someone else in the future when she had the chance to do so. Are you an accident victim? You may have grounds for a personal injury claim.
Sadly, traffic accidents claim the lives of individuals far too young to be paying the price across San Diego and California. If you have been injured as a result of another person’s negligence or reckless behavior, you may be entitled to file for personal injury compensation sooner rather than later. Knowing all of your options as an accident victim and determining what is best for you during this critical time could be the best way to move ahead into a confident future.
Michael Pines is a former insurance company attorney who graduated from the University of California Hastings College of the Law in 1987. While he was an insurance attorney, he learned from behind the scenes how insurance companies work and how they decide how much to pay injured people. Now that he works against insurance companies, Michael’s inside knowledge has resulted in significant benefits to his clients injured in car accidents. Learn more about Michael Pines