Car accidents occur at drastically lower rates among individuals with ADHD who are taking medication when compared with those not taking the medicine, according to a new study published in JAMA Psychiatry. The study involved more than 2.3 million individuals. Taking ADHD medication could make or break a person’s likelihood to get into a serious accident. For anyone who has ADHD, talking with your doctor about the benefits of medication could help identify a treatment plan that helps you with symptoms and keeps you safe on the roads. 

Insurance health claims from 2005 to 2014 were analyzed for this task and the research managers identified 2.3 million individuals over the age of 18 who had ADHD. Nearly 84% of them had at least one prescription for ADHD. People with ADHD have a higher risk of car crashes than a controlled group and male ADHD patients had a 38% lower risk of motor vehicle accidents when taking ADHD medication and female patients had a 42% lower risk of motor vehicle accidents while medicated.

Sadly, someone who struggles with focus in his or her regular life may also be more likely to engage in distracted driving behavior. This can cause critical, life-changing car accidents in San Diego. Some people never fully recover from the accident injuries they sustain after a distracted driving car crash. Just a couple of seconds of lost focus behind the wheel could cause someone to sustain life-altering injuries like a TBI or spinal cord damage. It’s never worth losing your focus when driving, something that many people realize far too late. 

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration shares that 32,744 individuals died on the road in 2015. Worldwide, vehicle accidents claim the lives of 1.25 million individuals every single year. If you or someone you know has recently been injured in a distracted driving accident, you may be entitled to recover compensation with the help of an experienced lawyer.