Have you ever been behind the wheel of your car, nervous about the rain pouring down? Even if you’re comfortable behind the wheel in slippery conditions, that does not mean that all drivers are comfortable or capable of handling their own cars. This can lead to serious rain accidents or even injuries if you’re not careful. As a safe driver, there are some things you can do to decrease your chances of being hurt.
Rain accidents often happen because people are too confident in their driving abilities and fail to adjust for the inclement weather. Heavy rain should prompt you to slow down, but unfortunately far too many people assume they are safe to travel at the same speed as they would in normal weather. Other people don’t realize how the rain impacts their car, assuming that their brakes and other vehicle components will work exactly the same as usual.
Rain accidents are most likely to occur when a heavy rain happens after an extended dry period. That’s because all the grease and oil on the roads has built up over that time and is being washed away in one fell swoop. Be aware that your car may be most likely to slide around on the road in these conditions.
Another key tip for avoiding rain accidents is to always maintain control of the car. This is not the time to use cruise control. Cruise control could place you in harm’s way by increasing your chances of hydroplaning.
Always using your headlights, even in situations where it is just lightly drizzling, can make sure you have the best possible visibility in case you’re involved in an accident. As is mentioned above, a common cause of these serious car accidents in the rain has to do with drivers overestimating their ability to maintain control of the car. Being aware that you have reduced visibility and that you’re more likely to lose control of the vehicle can help you approach driving in the rain the right way.
If you or someone you know has already been hurt in a car accident in the rain when another driver was at fault, make sure you get medical attention as soon as possible. Some of the hardest to detect injuries like TBIs can be spotted more easily if you get medical attention immediately.
Michael Pines is a former insurance company attorney who graduated from the University of California Hastings College of the Law in 1987. While he was an insurance attorney, he learned from behind the scenes how insurance companies work and how they decide how much to pay injured people. Now that he works against insurance companies, Michael’s inside knowledge has resulted in significant benefits to his clients injured in car accidents. Learn more about Michael Pines