For our paralysis lawyers in San Diego, helping you find new ways of avoiding a spinal cord injury is our number one concern.

For instance, did you know that prevention might start on a genetic level?  It’s true.  The AFP writes that a new study is currently underway to shut down the function of one gene in an effort to better avoid spinal cord injuries and possibly put an end to paralysis once and for all.

One gene gets shut down and paralysis might be history.

New research shows that turning off a gene might prevent spinal cord injuries from causing paralysis. (Source: AFP)

The solution might be inside of us, at least that’s what this new study is focusing on.

According to researchers, the gene known as “Abcc8” takes over after a spinal cord injury occurs as part of the body’s natural defense mechanism to protect itself from injuries in a car accident or high impact blow to the back of the body.

Lab rats and mice were administered a drug as a new form of paralysis treatment to turn off the reaction of the Sulfonylurea receptor-1 (Sur1) protein  in the Abcc8 gene.  This receptor uses sodium to shield cells from excess calcium that overflows into a damaged area in the body.

The paradox is that Sur1 ends up kicking the manufacturing of protein molecules into high gear and can cause cell death by letting an unchecked influx of sodium into the cells.

The scientific team behind the research has expanded the project to include spinal cord tissue from humans.  Results showed that Sur1 acted the same way in each of the species. meaning that upon further research, this treatment could be applied to humans in the near future.

About half of people diagnosed with spinal cord injuries will end up with paraplegia for their rest of their lives.  Like stem cell research, this new method of shutting off a gene in the body is very controversial and will take some time to prove if it is safe for use on the general public.

That being said, our firm’s San Diego paralysis lawyers hope that this form of paralysis treatment is successful, because it shows that there is light at the end of the tunnel for those who are currently living with the effects of a spinal cord injury.  Perhaps one day the worry of paralysis will be a thing of the past as we get closer and closer to a cure.

If you or a loved one have suffered a spinal cord injury in an accident that was not your fault, then we urge you to contact our bilingual offices as soon as possible at 1-858-551-2090 for a FREE consultation with an experienced paralysis lawyers in San Diego or click here to submit your case for a FREE online review.  We handle all cases on a contingency fee basis, which means that you owe nothing until we recover money on your behalf.