A driver was severely injured when a San Diego fire-rescue engine, on a response to an emergency call, slammed into that car in City Heights last Wednesday. At the time of the crash, the car was exiting Interstate 15 at University Avenue and 48th Street around 10 o clock in the morning.

A fuel spill had called the fire engine to the scene and the emergency response engine was westbound on 40th at the time. In the middle of the intersection, both vehicles collided and the fire engine crew jumped into action mode immediately to help the other victim in the crash. As a vehicle driver or a pedestrian, there are several different things you can do to avoid being in an accident like this.

To help paramedics and firefighters get to their location more quickly, make sure you look in all directions as soon as you hear a siren. Bear in mind that there could be more than one response crew. If you are near an intersection and hear the siren, do not stop in the middle of the intersection. Instead, continue through and then move to the right as soon as possible.

Avoid slamming on your brakes and pulling over suddenly to prevent accidents, and if you are at a green traffic light, make sure you look in all directions to ensure that there are no emergency response vehicles coming through the intersection.

Your blinker can be used to indicate that you are moving out of the way of the emergency crews and never attempt to out speed the emergency vehicle. Bear in mind that in San Diego it is illegal to follow any emergency vehicle within 300 feet when it is answering an emergency call. You should avoid stopping in any locations where the emergency vehicle cannot get around you.

If you are receiving a traffic signal or direction from a fire fighter, police officer or other authority, you need to follow it even if it is in contradiction with any existing signals, laws or signs.

You can carefully merge back into traffic after the emergency group passes. Following these tips can help you avoid a serious accident in San Diego and allow emergency response crews to get to their location as quickly as possible. According to the city of San Diego’s emergency crews, there are a growing number of drivers who fail to yield to the sirens and lights of ambulances and fire engines. Bear in mind that it is illegal to impede emergency response vehicles and you could face penalties for doing so.