Ideas come and go, but the good ones always come back. Among these include the disappearing car door.
The disappearing car door was first introduced in the 1986 BMW Z1, but the idea never caught on into a trend. Presently, Jatech is reintroducing the disappearing car door, and they are looking to make this technology a major trend 20 years from now.
Our firm’s experienced car accident attorneys strongly support the development of these disappearing car doors, because they present safety features that traditional car hinge doors cannot. But the questions of design defects and catastrophic injuries come up, as well as how safe are these doors during a crash?
The Disappearing Car Door by Jatech is, in essence, a novel method of entry and exit for a car. In terms of cars that exist today, disappearing car doors are nothing like the traditional hinge doors that most of us are accustomed to. In fact, they are very similar to the sliding car doors that exist in many mini-vans. The only difference is that instead of sliding to one side, the disappearing car door “disappears” completely under the car. Another major difference is that the disappearing car door would become one-piece. In other words, the disappearing car door would be the size of roughly current front and rear doors put together, with the central post between the two traditional car hinge doors eliminated.
In order to solve a height clearance problem with the original BMW Z1 car for the rolling underneath car door, Jatech has made the new version of the disappearing car doors an enclosed system. In layman’s terms, instead of actually sliding under the car, the doors slide “into” the understructure of the car. This saves space and also makes it easier and safer for passengers to enter and exit their vehicle.
Another safety feature of the disappearing car doors is that the car doors will not stick out from the car during entry or exit of passengers or the driver. There are cases where oncoming traffic slamming into open car doors have caused serious injuries to entering or exiting passengers. With disappearing car doors, entering and exiting the automobile will become much safer, as well as providing a totally unobstructed easy access to and from the interior of the car.
The fact that disappearing car doors allow drivers to pull up more tightly against a curb away from traffic without the worry of getting the car doors open is yet another safe alternative from current doors. And since there is no door that swings outwards, the driver can keep an eye on the traffic through the side mirror as the side mirror will stay in position. This will help the driver make a safer determination of when to exit the car.
Back in 1986, when the disappearing car door was first introduced, the idea never caught on mainly because of unsafe technology development issues, making the disappearing car door much less safe than regular hinge doors. But today, technology has improved to the point where these disappearing car doors are safer than traditional hinge doors. According to experts, one-piece disappearing car doors also provide better protection in the case of side-impact car accidents.
The car accident attorneys at our firm believe that this disappearing car door technology will appear in most cars in the near future for the sake of ease and, more importantly, safety.
Safety Advantages of Disappearing Car Doors:
- Better side mirror view of incoming traffic
- Prevention of collision between out-swinging car door with incoming traffic
- Better protection of one-piece disappearing car door in the case of an auto accident
Until we can all afford this type of technology, protect yourself and your family with the best car insurance policy that you can purchase.
If you were injured and believe that you deserve compensation, then call our bilingual law offices right away at 1-858-551-2090 or click here for a free consultation with an experienced personal injury attorney and find out how we can help you. We look forward to providing good advice for your case. There is no fee if no recovery.
Michael Pines is a former insurance company attorney who graduated from the University of California Hastings College of the Law in 1987. While he was an insurance attorney, he learned from behind the scenes how insurance companies work and how they decide how much to pay injured people. Now that he works against insurance companies, Michael’s inside knowledge has resulted in significant benefits to his clients injured in car accidents. Learn more about Michael Pines