10 tips to improve your driving today!

In a comprehensive report in which the nation’s best drivers were assessed according to incidence of car accidents, San Diego fared well – but it isn’t the best place to drive. However, America’s Finest City ranked leaps and bounds above Los Angeles and Washington D.C., the nation’s worst place to drive.

Allstate’s annual “America’s Best Drivers Report” released Thursday says that San Diego is the 103rd best place to drive out of the nation’s 193 cities which the report took into consideration. As a part of the research, findings were based on how often residents of each respective city had reported a car accident. The more often an accident was reported, the worse off the city was ranked.

For instance, it comes as no surprise that Los Angeles is considered one of the worst places to drive; with road-rage riddled freeways and streets full of traffic, L.A. came in 183rd place, with Washington D.C. ranking last as the nation’s worst place to drive.

San Diego did not rank in the nation’s best place to drive, but it did not fail its resident too badly; for California’s rankings, San Diego placed in as the 23rd best place to drive. And, for the nation’s 15 Largest Cities category, San Diego comes in at an impressive 8th place, beating out crowd favorites San Jose and Houston, Texas.  “San Diego drivers, on average, wait about 9.2 years between every accident,” according to NBC San Diego.

The highest honor goes to Fort Collins, Co., where it ranks as the best place to drive in the United States. This is Fort Collins’ second win for the nation’s first place. For California rankings only, our neighbors to the north in Salinas have an accident only once per 10.8 years, earning the city a first place win for the California category.

“Drivers in Salinas are doing their part toward keeping America’s roadways safer,” said the Assistant Field Vice President of Allstate in California. “We salute best drivers there and across California who make our communities safer places to live, work and raise families.”

“Human error is the biggest cause of collisions,” he added, “It’s vital for drivers to understand the importance of being tolerant and attentive behind the wheel.”

10 Tips to avoid car accidents

San Diego may not be the worst place to drive, but there is room for improvement. The following tips offer sage, common sense advice that may help you avoid your next car accident. While car accidents can be unavoidable at times, the risk can be minimized. These top 10 tips are courtesy of Edmunds. As their editor put it, “[Edmonds] is required to go to high-performance driving school every year ‘for insurance purposes.’ So take it from us when we say we know a thing or two about how to avoid a car accident…. we’ve picked up [tips] in the field, interacting with L.A. drivers in particular, driving cross-country, and testing cars on the track.”

1. Avoid the fast lane.

Using a center or right lane allows for more “escape routes” should you need to take evasive action in case of an emergency.

2. Keep your eyes scanning the area ahead.

This requires the driver to be alert and cognitive. Tired drivers are especially prone to car accidents since their level of alertness can be generally subpar. Be sure you’re hit the road well-rested and focused.

3. Beware of blind spots.

Being aware of your vehicle’s trouble spots can help prevent car accidents, especially fender-benders. Know when you have to pay extra attention, and get to know your vehicle well to help avoid accidents.

4. Drive with your hands in the 9 and 3 o’clock position.

Being a good driver means being in the correct position to correct, or take action. Holding the steering wheel at the “9 and 3” position ensures you are well-prepared to take action in case of an emergency.

5. Get racecar driver control of the wheel.

This doesn’t mean that you should actually drive your car like a race driver; instead, it means to position your body close to the steering wheel so you have proper posture and arms are comfortable. The correct position can reduce fatigue and tired arms, allowing you to be more responsive.

6. Judge a driver by his/her car’s condition.

If a car looks trashed, it may be safe to assume a level of carelessness, so proceed with caution.

7. Know your car’s limits.

Don’t attempt risky car maneuvers in general; and be aware of what your car can and can’t do. Don’t push it.

8. Keep your car in good shape.

The right maintenance can help your can stay in tip-top shape; besides looking good, proper maintenance can go to great lengths to avoid an accident. For instance, keeping up on your tires ensures you won’t have a blowout. And, even changing your oil regularly ensures your car won’t be stopped on the side of the road, a common area that car accidents, especially pedestrian accidents, can occur.

9. The nighttime is not the right time.

Driving at night is risky; keep evening drives for forgotten milk, or last-minute drive-thrus; not for long trips or an evening drive.

10. Learn how to drive a racecar.

Edmunds explains that going to a high-performance driving school “may sound like a frivolous expense, but [it] is one of the best ways to improve your skill as a driver. Here you’ll learn what it feels like to drive a car ‘at the limits’ and have an opportunity to practice accident avoidance maneuvers and skid recovery in a safe, controlled environment.”

About Pines Salomon Injury Lawyers, LLP.

Every personal injury lawyer at Pines Salomon Injury Lawyers, LLP. works hard to seek justice and fair financial recovery in wake of car accident injury. If you have been injured as a result of a car accident, call us at 1-858-551-2090 or use our online form for a free and confidential accident review.