Multiple individuals were taken to the hospital after a serious car crash involving five vehicles happened off El Cajon near Interstate-8. The accident happened one July afternoon near Greenfield Drive in El Cajon. The police believe that five vehicles involved in the crash were travelling northbound at the underpass.

The last vehicle in that list tried to split lanes and ultimately pin-balled his way through four other cars. Severe property damage was recorded and injuries for 13 people. Children traveling from St. Madeline Sophie’s Center were among the injured, and 8 students with disabilities had to be treated for their injuries.

The victims were sitting along the sidewalk near Greenfield Drive waiting for ambulances to take them to the hospital. Those students ranged from 20-60 years old. Many of the injuries were not considered to be life-threatening.  The students had been on their way home at the time of the accident.

Unfortunately, multi-car pileups like this can lead to devastating injuries and property damage for all involved. If you spot someone pulled off the highway, particularly if passengers are outside the vehicle and on the side of the road, move into the other lane, if possible. This could be vital to helping prevent an accident. Always give plenty of room for broken down vehicles and any passengers associated with them when traveling on California’s highways.

If you have recently been involved in an accident like this, consulting with a California personal injury attorney can be important.