Downtown San Diego was struck with a misfortune Wednesday afternoon when an MTS bus crashed and injured 8 people, according to Sign On San Diego.
The San Diego injury accident was reported on Broadway and 10th Avenue, where eastbound lanes were blocked, causing traffic woes throughout the downtown area. Paramedics were immediately called on scene to treat the injured passengers, blocking lanes in the process.
Police reports indicate the driver of a small, red car slowed and turned north onto 10th Avenue before realizing his grave mistake—the motorist had been driving the wrong way.
The driver stopped, causing a backup behind the vehicle, including a commercial truck that stopped to avoid hitting the wrong-way driver. Unfortunately, the driver of a Metropolitan Transit System failed to stop in time, thereby colliding with the back of the commercial truck, causing injury to passengers aboard the bus due to the impact of the crash.
Only one person traveling on the bus was treated by paramedics on-scene, but all others were taken to nearby hospitals to treat their individual cases of personal injury.
Approaching a Government Entity
In the MTS injury accident case, it is unclear as to who is the responsible party. In many cases such as these, however, it has been our experience that injured parties may seek recovery from the government for injuries resulting from government action (or lack of action).
First and foremost, government claims may be hard to prove, and we strongly recommend the expertise of a qualified and knowledgeable personal injury attorney. San Diego residents should know that injury claims need to be directed to the appropriate city, state, or even national government entity. An experienced attorney will have the knowledge to present your claim correctly.
Even if you think your case is a private citizen claim, you may be barking up the wrong tree if/when you find out the government is involved. That’s why we strongly urge you to consult with an expert personal injury attorney as soon as your accident occurs.
San Diego residents should know that claims against the government have different rules and time limits than claims against private citizens, also known as the “statute of limitations” for your claim.
When making a claim against the government, you need to be aware of two things:
- You must file a special government claim form in its entirety. Any mistakes on the claim (including clerical errors) might cause the claim to be rejected.
- The time limit for filing government claims and lawsuits are shorter than usual. That’s why time is of essence—a good personal injury attorney will know this and work quickly to make sure your claim is handled efficiently to avoid rejection of the claim.
Because of the complex nature of government claims, it’s important to immediately consult with a knowledgeable personal injury attorney. San Diego lawyers at The Pines Salomon Injury Lawyers, LLP. have worked with government claims just like yours, and can help you seek appropriate recovery. Remember, time is of essence, so call 1-858-551-2090 right now, or contact us online for a free and confidential case analysis.
Michael Pines is a former insurance company attorney who graduated from the University of California Hastings College of the Law in 1987. While he was an insurance attorney, he learned from behind the scenes how insurance companies work and how they decide how much to pay injured people. Now that he works against insurance companies, Michael’s inside knowledge has resulted in significant benefits to his clients injured in car accidents. Learn more about Michael Pines