In an effort to curb tragic drunk driving deaths and injury accidents, communities throughout the nation have implemented measures to encourage responsible decision-making and keep impaired drivers off the road. Campus shuttles, ride shares and designated driver programs all help save lives; but here’s the catch. These programs only work if intoxicated drivers choose to use them – making even the best solutions a risky gamble without measures in place to enforce driver compliance.

But what if the technology existed to change all that – to make that gamble a thing of the past?

DADSS: a “game-changer” for driver safety

With cooperation and funding authorization from ROADS SAFE (the Research of Alcohol Detection Systems for Stopping Alcohol-related Fatalities Everywhere), U.S. Rep. Heath Shuler of North Carolina hopes to bring groundbreaking technology to civilian vehicles around the nation in an effort to bypass bad judgment and transfer decision-making power to an objective source: the car itself.

Shuler’s bill, announced Monday at a press conference in North Carolina, would fund a program to develop Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety (DADSS) technology that would allow in-car sensors to immediately detect driver blood alcohol limits – and keep the driver from starting the car if readings indicate anything over the .08 legal limit.

“DADSS technology has the potential to be a game changer in the fight against drunk driving,” Shuler said when he announced his plans to introduce the new measure. “Now we must take the next steps necessary to make sure it can be widely implemented.”

Shuler championed the idea that, thanks to DADSS, lawmakers may have the opportunity to “stop drunk driving before it even starts” – a goal that Mothers Against Drunk Driving president-elect Jan Withers strongly supports.

San Diego: stand up to drunk drivers

DADSS has the potential to keep unsafe drivers off the road and make huge gains in the fight to end DUI accidents. Until that day comes, however, it’s up to us to remain vigilant. Remember these important rules whenever you see a friend or fellow driver planning to get behind the wheel while under the influence:

Offer to drive. Without the necessity of getting home at the end of the night, potential drunk drivers have no excuse to take the wheel. Offer friends and peers a ride home – you just might save a life.

If they resist, insist: individuals under the influence may argue that they are sober; but if you know or suspect otherwise, don’t leave their safety to chance.

No car? Call a cab. You may not be able to give your friend a ride, but that doesn’t mean a professional can’t step in and help keep them safe. A cab is always the preferred alternative to driving under the influence – no matter the cost.

If you or someone you know has been involved in a DUI accident, seek legal counsel from the personal injury team at Pines Salomon Injury Lawyers, LLP.. As San Diego’s most trusted personal injury lawyer, Michael Pines offers confidential consultations to help you handle your claims as effectively and easily as possible. Call today, at 1-858-551-2090.