Did you know that proper maintenance could be essential for protecting you from a sudden car breakdown that increases your accident risks? On the busy roads of San Diego, your car should always be kept well so that you can get to your destination safely without fear of an unexpected breakdown.
Many drivers believe that conventional oil works just the same as synthetic oil. However, a new study released by the Automobile Club of Southern California identifies that motorists should consider making the switch because it helps to prevent engine breakdown and even potential accidents. Ever noticed a car suddenly slowing down and merging across multiple lanes to get to the shoulder? No one wants to be in the position of dealing with a breakdown.
The AAA approved auto repair program conducted a study and determined that critical engine components were protected from damage and that synthetic oils performed up to 47% better than conventional oils in numerous industry standard tests. The resistance to deterioration was one of the primary benefits of using synthetic oil, which is beneficial for those involved in heavy California traffic or those who operate in extreme hot or cold conditions or towing heavy loads.
Switching to a synthetic motor oil can be better for the vehicle and it only costs approximately $5 a month. While conventional oil change may cost $38 and a synthetic oil change can be twice as much, the switch to synthetic oil can be better for your vehicle and decrease your chances of a breakdown. A recent nationwide study of drivers identified that nearly 30% were unsure of whether or not synthetic oil would actually help them, while 17% did not believe that synthetic was a better option. Most of the drivers surveyed opted for conventional. The cost of synthetic was the primary reason that people chose to go with the conventional option.
Whether you use synthetic or regular oil, keep on top of your car maintenance so that you’re clued in to any major problems before they get bigger. It’s tempting to ignore an emerging problem because you don’t have the time to deal with it or can’t afford it, but allowing the problem to go unchecked could make for a bigger issue down the road and a much larger bill from the mechanic.
Michael Pines is a former insurance company attorney who graduated from the University of California Hastings College of the Law in 1987. While he was an insurance attorney, he learned from behind the scenes how insurance companies work and how they decide how much to pay injured people. Now that he works against insurance companies, Michael’s inside knowledge has resulted in significant benefits to his clients injured in car accidents. Learn more about Michael Pines