Do you feel like at one time or another, you’ve driven through the most dangerous intersection in San Diego? How about the most dangerous intersection in California? If you’ve been hurt in a location where accidents are common, you’ll need support as you file a claim with your car insurance company and through the court.

Los Angeles is home to approximately half of the most dangerous intersections across the entire Golden State. Two of the top three are located in North Ridge, according to the results of a new study. Data was collected by looking at more than 400,000 collision reports across 2015, through the state-wide integrated traffic records systems. The study’s findings identified that Reseda Boulevard and Devonshire Street is the most dangerous intersection in the state. The project was completed by using a scoring system to look at each intersection’s danger level, taking into the account the number of injuries, accidents and fatalities.

The intersection is the focal point for four different shopping centers and is between the 118 Freeway and CSUN, with 5 major lanes, a right turn signal, a left turn signal and a posted speed limit of 40 mph, it’s one of the busiest intersections across the valley. Experts believe, however, that awareness and outrage could help increase the safety of cyclists, pedestrians and drivers.

Any car accident in the most dangerous intersection in California or elsewhere should be investigated promptly to determine what caused it. If poor road conditions that fall under the review of government agencies caused it, you’ll need to take action sooner than a typical personal injury claim would require. You may want to rule out what caused the incident and to get support in pursuing a personal injury claim against those responsible.