Have you recently been hurt in an accident in San Diego? Things can go from bad to worse when the other driver blames you for causing the accident. Sometimes the other driver simply doesn’t remember what happened or he or she may be trying to guilt you into taking the fall for the accident. Even if you’re not sure yet what happened, don’t take all the blame for the accident. This could be a huge mistake because it may allow the other driver to allege that you’re the cause of his or her injuries.

Someone who has recently caused an accident is probably experiencing a range of emotions, including anger and fear. This is what can prompt someone to argue that you’re the cause of their current problem. It’s much easier to blame someone else than it is to admit that you ran a red light, weren’t paying attention, or were speeding. Knowing that a car crash may influence their driving record, insurance rates, and even personal injury liability, the other person may panic. This is often what happens when the other driver blames you at the scene of the accident.

If this happens, keep your cool. Allow the police to collect information and document this in their police report. Make sure you share your own version of events, too. Where possible, avoid confrontation with the other driver. This is not in your best interests and could lead to you saying something you don’t really mean. Anyone else at the scene of a car accident can be unpredictable. Since you’re only in charge of your own behavior, focus on calling the authorities, getting the other driver’s contact info, and then taking pictures and videos of the damage on your own car. This can help to keep the situation from escalating.

When the other driver blames you, talk to your attorney about putting together a case. Knowing that the other party may try to change his or her story or present things in a particular light can be helpful for your own personal injury claim as your lawyer begins to think about settlement or trial.