Biosafety 1, 2, 3's of Biosafety Levels : This website is the typed text version of a previous power point presentation given by the Director of the Office for Health and Safety, that outlines the three distinctive levels of biohazards, and how to protect yourself from them. Web-based Biosafety Training: The Environmental Health and Safety Division at UC Berkeley provides comprehensive web based training for those who work in fields that require them to complete biosafety training. Training topics include: basics of biosafety, personal protection practices, how to use equipment, and incident and accident response. Biosafety Information: Presented by the Subcommittee on Consequence Assessment and Protective Actions (SCAPA). This page is and all inclusive biosafety-related information resource page for all people who must deal with biosafety-related issues including Biosafety Officers. Chemicals Chemical Safety : The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health website provides various resources on chemical safety: including the NIOS Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards. The United States Chemical Safety Board is an independent federal agency that works to investigate and protect all individuals dealing with chemical safety issues. The website includes relevant videos, articles, and upcoming chemical safety events. Compensation Worker's Compensation Resources: Counsel of Smaller Enterprises provides ideas on programs that businesses can use to boost safety in the workplace and avoid workers compensation claims. The Worker's Compensation Research Institute: Is devoted to providing independent, objective research, and information, about worker’s compensation programs and how they affect the public policy issues. Disability Disability vs. Workman's Compensation: California’s government website explains the difference between Disability and Worker's Compensation. Disability Services ASAP (A Safety Awareness Program) provides training and education to help increase awareness about and prevent sexual and domestic violence and abuse among persons with disabilities. Disaster Guide to government food safety information provides food safety information in disaster situations. Coping with Disasters: This Wisconsin government website provides multiple resources for people coping with disasters; including water, food, flood, and mold safety. Safety Precautions after a Disaster: Seattle and King County government website provides a comprehensive list of things you should and should not do in a disaster situation. Disaster Clean Up and Safety Precautions: is an official link for businesses provided by the U.S. government. This URL particularly addresses the safest practices one should take in cleaning up, preventing illness and injury after a disaster. Emergency Federal Emergency Management Agency: An all inclusive government website on disaster safety, prevention, and assistance to victims and their families. Emergency Preparedness Page: U.S. Safety and health topics emergency preparedness and response; including information and resources on chemical, biological crisis and what to do in these situations. Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Provides facts and preventative measure for a wide variety of hazards including: bioterrorism, mass casualties, chemical emergencies, radiation emergencies, natural disasters and severe weather, and recent outbreaks and incidents. Motorcyle Accidents: Provides information on what to do if you are in a motorcycle accident. Environment Environment and Safety: Maritime Administration page regarding information on environment and safety specifically regarding all aquatic matters. Ergonomics Safety and Health Topics: Ergonomics: OSHA: Occupational Safety & Health Administration page explains their “four-pronged comprehensive approach” to using ergonomics to prevent workplace injuries. Benefits of Ergonomics: Washington State Departments all inclusive page on the uses of Ergonomics to reduce injuries and reduce costs. Resource page has links, articles, and evaluation tools to understand and utilize the benefits of ergonomics. Fire Workplace Fire Safety Tips: National AG Safety Database: provides tips on workplace fire safety from The United States Department of Labor. Focus on Fire Safety: U.S. Fire Administration is a sector of FEMA that was organized to handle all situations fire related. This website provides information on fire safety situations following disasters like floods and earthquakes. Medical Agency for Health Care Research and Quality : Is a research sector of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that provides tools and resources, statements, speeches, workshops, online journals and much more information on medical errors and patient safety. Medical Product Safety Information: The Food and Drug Administration website has a wide variety of product safety information. This link provides direct access to the page that discusses medical product safety specifically. Natural Hazards NASA: Earth Observatory: This NASA website provides a page that specifically focuses on the earth and its natural hazards like: volcanoes, earthquakes, wildfires, severe storms, and floods. Natural Hazards Gateway: United States Geological Survey’s Government website provides a gateway to all resources regarding natural hazards. Occupational Health Medline Plus: Is a service of the National Library of Medicine and the National Institute of Health: this site provides an organized detailed resource list answering any and all questions you may have on Occupational Health. SOHP: Society for Occupational Health and Psychology at the University of Connecticut provides various articles on the status and improvements made in the occupational health world. Occupational Hygiene Oxford Journals: Occupational Hygiene : This journal is a serious of articles entitled The Annals of Occupational Hygiene that discusses mental and physical health risks and hazards resulting from working. Physical Hazards Health Unit- Physical Hazard Page: Discusses information on and preventative measures to avoid various physical hazards like smoking, UV radiation, and asbestos. Public Health What is Public Health?: This site answers any questions you may have on what public health is, while providing resources to other pages that may answer any of your unanswered questions. for Disease Control and Prevention, in general, discusses and answers all questions you may have about public health past, present, and future projections. Public Safety Federal Communications Commission: a sector of the Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau covers all issues regarding the safety of, and the ability to communicate with, the public in times of need and crisis. Regulatory Food Safety Regulatory Essentials: This site outlines food safety regulatory measures by the United States Department of Agriculture: Food Safety and Inspection Services. Rehabilitation Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services : This office oversees various grant programs that help those with physical or mental disabilities to live independently and obtain employment through the use of counseling, job training, and medical and psychological services. Prevention: The Beginning of a Rehabilitation Process: Education Resource Information Center article that discusses general safety and how to use precautions to avoid potential accidents and disabilities. Risk Management Safety Risk Management: The Federal Aviation Administration handbook on how to handle safety risk management. Safety General General Safety Tips: Tulare County in California provides a list of general safety tips the average person can follow to avoid risky situations in their homes and on the street. Standards Department of Transportation: Provides a motor vehicle safety standards handbook that addresses all regulations regarding motor vehicles that need to be up to code to own and operate a vehicle safely. Toxicology Toxicology: Argonne National Library toxicology resource page provides links to information on general toxicology, biological and chemical weapons and safety.