Did you know that trying to push your car too hard or ignoring major maintenance issues could put you in line for a serious car accident? By being aware of your car’s limits and always driving safely, you can avoid the catastrophic impacts of a big wreck.


Understanding the regular maintenance schedule for your car and adhering to it are extremely important no matter what type of vehicle you drive. However, it’s also valuable to know he limits of your own vehicle so that you don’t push it too far and increase your chances of being involved in a San Diego car crash. When you’re on top of the maintenance schedule and you drive within your car’s limits, you can also keep your repair costs down. 


After getting behind the wheel of your vehicle, you need to become familiar with how it reacts in certain situations. This means thinking about how your vehicle’s turning radius affects your ability to round corners as well as the limits of your tires and your brakes. How much grip do your tires have and when was the last time you took them in for maintenance to ensure that the tread was appropriate? How long does it take to stop your vehicle when you apply maximum pressure?


If you replace your stock tires on your car with a cheap set, there’s a good chance you’ve also decreased the vehicle’s handling capability and braking ability. If your vehicle leans a lot when rounding corners, this could indicate that moving the wheel at any high speed to avoid an accident could be a scary situation. Keeping your car in good shape is strongly recommended but it’s also important that you never try to push your vehicle farther than it can achieve. If you have recently been involved in a vehicle accident and have sustained major injuries such as spinal cord injuries, concussions and traumatic brain injuries, broken bones, fractures, lacerations, burns and more, you may be curious about your rights as a personal injury victim in San Diego. California law empowers personal injury victims to protect their rights after an injury.