As the weather begins to change and more people adjust their sleep patterns or go back to school, it’s important to remember that there are some tips you can implement to combat drowsy driving. Drowsy driving is, unfortunately, an all too common factor in vehicle accidents. Practically everyone has experienced some drowsiness behind the wheel at least once, but driving and fatigue should never mix. Any drowsy driver can endanger themselves and others on the road. As a driver, you have a responsibility to do everything you can to combat drowsy driving- after all, it could save your life and avoid a serious accident.

Sleepy motorists pay less attention to the roadway, have a diminished decision-making ability and take longer to react. These behaviors contribute to too many auto-accidents. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, drowsy driving was tied to at least 72,000 crashes in 2013. A AAA Foundation traffic safety study found a much higher crash risk for drivers who did not get at least 8 hours of sleep per night. This condition can sneak up on drivers and become unbearable. Trying to push too far past your limit, however, could lead to an accident. Some of the following tips should be implemented in order to combat drowsy driving:

  •       Get enough rest before a road trip.
  •       Take a driving break every two hours.
  •       Be aware of driver fatigue and open to taking a break.
  •       Eat light.
  •       Avoid taking any medication that makes you sleepy.
  •       Consider traveling with someone else so that you can take turns behind the wheel.

Get plenty of sleep every night, as this is the best way to combat drowsy driving. You deserve to have the peace of mind that you’ll remain alert and focused while on the road. You’re doing yourself a service to prevent vehicle accidents and providing a courtesy to other drivers, passengers, pedestrians, and cyclists.