The San Diego Metropolitan Transit System recently received commendation for keeping pedestrians safe. The award was given by the industry organization known as the American Public Transit Association. The top safety award was given to MDS as a result of the pause focused look campaign that was designed to reduce pedestrian related preventable bus accidents down to zero. Sadly, many cities around the country fail to do enough to keep pedestrians safe because far too many people walking on sidewalks or near streets are seriously injured or killed every single year. Far too many of these deaths are completely preventable. 


Although the commendation recognizes the significant strides taken in San Diego, it does come after an increase in the number of pedestrian fatalities across San Diego county. An audit from the city of San Diego recently identified that transportation officials and police are not doing enough to keep walkers from being struck and killed or injured in vehicle traffic.


MTS had a recorded 10 preventable accidents involving pedestrians between 2013 and 2016. The safety initiative began in 2016 and involved new equipment, new policies, and training. The system also implemented a no-left-on-red policy for any one-way street, showed clips of preventable pedestrian accidents in the break rooms for the bus drivers and replaced side view bus mirrors for it to become easier for drivers to spot pedestrians. In 2014, 88 pedestrians were killed in motor vehicle accidents which was the highest it has been in 20 years in San Diego.
San Diego recently enacted Vision Zero to use law enforcement education and new designs for public infrastructure to help decrease the significant numbers of pedestrian fatalities occurring throughout the city. If you or someone you know has already been struck in a pedestrian accident, you may be entitled to recover compensation to help you with your medical bills and treatments and other damages associated with the accident.