When you file an insurance company or personal injury claim or associated for your injuries after a car accident, bear in mind that the other side will likely fight this as aggressively as possible. Although there are certain steps you can take, such as getting copies of your records and presenting them to an experienced personal injury attorney, that can help your claim. It is a bad idea, however,  to miss any doctor’s appointments or physical therapy.

Missing these appointments could signal to the other side and to the courts in a personal injury claim that you have healed and do not need care. This may not be an accurate portrayal of your life since you may be suffering from disabilities or chronic pain. Ongoing monitoring and medical treatment under an experienced physician’s care is critical.

If you are currently in the midst of a claim, you might be feeling hopeless. It’s possible that the bills for your medical treatment are piling up and that you feel like there is no end in sight. Even when this is the case, however, you have to prioritize your medical treatment. It is the only way to ensure that you are on the path to recovery and it helps to demonstrate the severity of your injuries. Even if you think that missing an appointment is a minor issue, the negligent party may argue that you are skipping medical treatment and therefore don’t need compensation to support you. During this time, do not give the other side any ammunition that could lead anyone to believe your injuries are less severe than they are.

It is essential for both your medical recovery and your legal claims. Likewise, if you are suffering from lingering neck pain, back pain or other symptoms years beyond your car accident. You may need to obtain a permanent impairment rating. You should speak with your doctor about this as soon as possible after being injured. A documented rating could significantly increase your chances of receiving fair personal injury compensation. 

If you achieve maximum medical improvement status, you need to share this with your lawyer, as this milestone will have major implications for your personal injury case.