The initial level of pain experienced by someone who has sustained a whiplash injury as well as the psychological impacts of hoping to get better can most appropriately predict who recovers efficiently and effectively from whiplash. That’s the result of research previously presented at the World Congress on neck pain.


Researchers also released their findings about the best treatment of whiplash and an assessment for whiplash as well as other pains associated with an accident. Whiplash has been connected to approximately two million car insurance claims every single year in the United States alone, according to research share by Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. Researchers have shifted their focus in the last couple of years to focus more on predictors of whiplash recovery.


The level of pain three weeks after the initial after the initial whiplash injury is the most important predictor of who will be able to recover effectively and in a timely manner. Fourteen published studies were evaluated in order to present this research looking at more than 3,000 different patients. A patient’s expectations to recover from whiplash are also important in the final results. Whiplash recovery will, of course, vary from one patient to another.
The recovery expectations of more than 1,000 individuals who filed insurance claims associated with a neck injury led to a big impact on the person’s ability to recover. Those who felt that they would be unable to make a complete whiplash recovery were four times as likely to be in the most disabled group of participants at six months after the accidents when compared with those who felt more positively about their ability to recover from their injury initially.