Say you have left San Diego for a ski vacation in the snow. You are driving along a slick road during the wintery night and do not see the patch of black ice up ahead on the road. You hit it at a curve, sending your car out of control and into the highway divider.After being treated at a hospital from your car accident, doctors have informed you that you have a spinal cord injury and are paralyzed. If you are like most people, you want to know specifically what type of paralysis you have and the limitations of your condition. Generally, you are more likely to suffer paralysis from the neck down with a spinal cord injury that is closer or higher to your head.

Spinal Column (cropped)The Most Common Types Of Spinal Cord Injuries

There are several different types of spinal cord injuries (SCI) that can cause paralysis and affect your body in various ways. Here is a list of common spinal cord injuries: Accidents happen every day in San Diego and if you are in a car accident or if you slip and fall on a hard surface you could end up injuring your spinal cord. Below are the types of spinal cord injuries that can turn into paralysis:Anterior Cord Syndromedamage is done to the front of the spinal cord; the ability to feel the sensation of pain, temperature, and touch is impaired but the ability to feel pressure and joint sensations is preserved; injured persons have been known to recover in some cases .Central Cord Syndromewhen the center of the spinal column receives the most amount of damage; the function of the arms is lost, though leg movement is usually still possible as well as use of the bowels and bladder; recovery is possible, beginning with the legs and working up the body.Posterior Cord Syndromespinal cord injuries that occur towards the rear of the spinal column; injured persons with this condition may have good muscle power, pain and temperature sensation, but difficulty in coordinating movement of the limbs and extremities.Brown-Squard Syndromewhen one side of the spinal cord is damaged and not the other side; pain and temperature sensations preserved; the opposite, uninjured side will have normal movement but pain and temperature sensations will be lost or impaired.

Whiplash Is A Serious Spinal Cord Injury

It might seem like a minor personal injury, but whiplash is not something to be taken lightly. You can severely damage the tissue in your neck and hurt your spinal cord in ways that affect the rest of your body. Our paralysis attorneys can help you out with: Dont shrug off whiplash - let our San Diego law firm assist with your injuries.

The Most Common Types Of Paralysis

The terms most commonly heard and used to describe certain degrees of paralysis are: There are, however, a few other types of paralysis that, while lesser known and not as widely used in the paralyzed community, are still legitimate conditions that should be recognized as falling under the category of paralysis:Hemiplegiathe type of paralysis that affects only one side of the body, most commonly associated with Brown-Squard Syndrome.Tetraplegiaparalysis of the arms, legs, and torso of the body; occurs when damage is done to the fifth to the seventh vertebrae of the spinal column (see also: quadriplegia)Palsyparalysis, either partial or whole, of the muscles; commonly accompanied by the loss of sensation or body movement; tremors are usually associated with this condition

Secondary Conditions Of Paralysis

Aside from the initial spinal cord injuries that you can experience, there are numerous secondary conditions that people -- including many in San Diego -- with severe spinal cord injuries will experience while living with paralysis the rest of their lives:
  • bedsores
  • autonomic dysreflexia
  • bladder control
  • depression
  • pain
  • respiratory health
  • sexual health
  • skin care
  • spasticity
  • upper extremity care
Our spinal cord injury attorneys in San Diego know that any type of paralysis makes life a lot more difficult. The pain and suffering is only the start of a long journey towards recovery. But if you are involved in an accident and feel that someone else is held accountable, you should have someone by your side, fighting your case with you. Thats where our experienced San Diego spinal cord injury attorneys come in.

Call Us Now To Speak With One Of Our Spinal Cord Injury Attorneys

Since 1992, the spinal cord injury attorneys at the Pines Salomon Injury Lawyers, LLP. in San Diego have been assisting injured persons just like you recover the maximum financial compensation for their paralysis and spinal cord injuries. We know the legal process can at times be very confusing. Do not worry over the complexities of the law by yourself because our experience will help guide you through the process.We are dedicated and determined to help you obtain fair and just compensation so that you and your family can recover and move on to a bigger and brighter future.If you or a loved one have been involved in an accident and suffered a spinal cord injury or paralysis we urge you to contact our bilingual offices as soon as possible following the accident at 1-858-551-2090 or please click here for a FREE consultation with an experienced San Diego spinal cord injury attorney. We handle all cases on a contingency fee basis, which means that you owe us nothing until we recover money on your behalf.